
Designing after NATURE means learning from species and their existing habitats while designing new techniques that enhance biodiversity in coastal ecosystems. Our experience is derived from years of practice enhancing and monitoring intertidal and sub-tidal habitats.

We provide coastal adaptation and ecological design services for areas impacted by sea level rise, flooding, or habitat loss, using soft and hard forms of ecological engineering.

Our habitat units are designed for artificial seawalls, sloped sea walls, sandy shorelines, rocky rip-rap or sub-tidal reefs. Our design services are personalized for specific coastal rejuvenation efforts through soft landscape restoration and precast unit designs. Our goal is to promote habitat enhancement and a low carbon future.


Design and Fabrication of Precast Intertidal Products:

•  Vertical Sea Walls

•  Sloped Sea Walls

•  Rip-Rap and Rocky Shores

•  Sub-Tidal Reef Habitats

Nature-Based Waterfront Design:

•  Absorbent Landscapes

•  Mangrove Restoration and Plantation

•  Tide Pool Design

•  Ecological Erosion Mitigation 

Ecological Monitoring:

•  Monthly Habitat Surveys

•  Scientific Reporting on Ecological Performance

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